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We believe being hands on is our best defence against disaster when it comes to transporting live packaged bees. For this reason we do all of our own trucking from the point of landing in Canada with at least one trained driver on each of our trucks, often from our own beekeeping staff or family members with beekeeping experience.

Bee hauling crews
By Truck

All of our truck boxes are specifically designed for maximum control of fresh air movement through the packages and we use team drivers to keep the trucks and air moving. We take our live delivery guarantee seriously and have been blessed that so far we have never had a major mishap or large numbers of packages die during our leg of the trip.

By Air

We are thankful for the hard work of the airlines to accommodate transporting live bees and for the many, many successful trips over the year! Unfortunately problems do occasionally occur. When that happens we make every effort to get another shipment of bees to replace those lost in air trans shipment. In the event that we can't get replacements we will refund the money for those bees we are unable to deliver

Arataki Tube packages on the plane
Vancouver, BC

Vancouver, BC

Loading up at the dock.

Canadian Rockies

Canadian Rockies

The grandeur of the scenery never disappoints!

Another coffee!

Another coffee!

Should help get us there :)

Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia

Delivering bees coast to coast!

On the road again!

On the road again!

Driving through the night to deliver bees asap.

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